sábado, mayo 11, 2024

Producers from different states participate in the Agroecological Tianguis in Tecámac, Edoméx / @MarielaGtzEsc @MejorTecamac >>>

#Tecámac, #Edoméx.- Tecámac takes concrete steps towards food self-sufficiency, held the Agroecological Tianguis to promote the marketing of products made by farmers in the municipality, and quality food reaches the population.

Attendees were able to appreciate and taste the wide variety of culinary offerings available in the municipality, ranging from distilled pulque, cookies, honey, cajeta, bread, among others.

In addition, they were also able to learn about the elaboration of orchards, acquire fruit trees, and learn about the benefits of biofertilizers for their crops.

The Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEM) provided advisory services so that farmers could consolidate their agro-industries.

In this Agroecological Tianguis, personnel from the Decentralized Public Organization for the Provision of Drinking Water, Sewage and Sanitation Services (ODAPAS), gave talks on the care of the liquid.

Also to raise awareness among the population, personnel from the Environmental Administration of Tecámac (AMA), to take care of the endemic species of the municipality, to protect them since some are at risk such as: the tepalcate duck, the black-tailed snail, the alicante or cincuate snake and the spiny mesquite lizard.

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